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making money to solve problems

Archive for the ‘Don Tapscott’ tag

Our business model: Let the customers decide, where to spend the profit

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When wikit is profitable, we let our users decide how to spend the money. They can donate their fees to an organization or project they like.

Every organization can build a page, where they explain their projects and ideas. They create a unique TAG for themselves and can promote the TAG to their supporters. The customer can edit his profile and change where he wants to spend up to 100% of the money.

In this model wikit will only be a TAG (but the default TAG) like every other organization. To prevent bankruptcy we will be very transparent and the customer will know how long we will survive.

We will use this system even to expand our business. If there is a new idea to solve a problem, we will create a special TAG “wikit_project” and if users like the idea they can donate to its budget.


This is the best marketing instrument ever! We can use the networks of all the organization to promote our service. Their supporters can donate money without much effort. If they join wikit, the mass will follow.

We help people to make a better world. Even small regional projects, like “building a playground” can get the money they need, if they find enough supporters. Some projects will start as an idea, but maybe the supporters become a community to solve the problem.

No politicans inside!

Written by Alex

August 24th, 2009 at 9:14 am