Archive for the ‘Money’ tag
How to stop traffic jam and save the world (video)
We want to develop a hitchhiking service for the mobile internet. This can drastically reduce the carbon dioxide produced by traffic.
But we don´t know how to write this app, so we need your help
Wikit: How to stop traffic jam and save the world from wikit org on Vimeo.
Why tribes, not money or factories, will change the world: Seth Godin
How to become very, very, very rich… not!
Where does the money for this company come from?
We take 1% of the transportation fee. And there are many cars out there.
Around the world, there were about 806 million cars and light trucks on the road in 2007; they burn over 260 billion gallons of gasoline and diesel fuel yearly.
If only 1% of this Gasoline is payed by a passenger we get:
1 Gallon = 3$
260,000,000,000 * 3$ * 1% (Users) * 1% (Fee) = 78,000,000 $
78,000,000 $
with only 1% market share and without ripping of the customers.
But where will all the money go, if nobody gets fucking rich?
The people working on the project get paid fair, some Money will be invested in new projects, but if we have enough money for the project, the cardrivers will decide where they want to donate their 1%. Whether it’s Greenpeace, a local Hockey Team or an artist.